Water Protection

A gold standard module enabling you to manage water quality on your farm.

This module enables you to evaluate the impact of your farming practices on your water protection objectives, assess your nitrogen uptake efficiency, and plan the most effective management interventions to protect water courses and increase your return on nitrogen investments.

farming with logo

Easy to use

  • Requires minimal data entry as Sandy collects all necessary data for the calculations from your farm management systems.

  • Intuitive and simple user interface.

Image of farmer with tablet and data readings. Field and far scale nitrate leaching can be credibly analysed in Sandy.

Credible & scientific

  • Implements a field and farm-scale nitrate leaching and nitrogen uptake modelling framework in line with the latest European scientific peer-reviewed publications.

  • The model has been adopted by farmers successfully across Europe.

Green fields; Sandy represents all major crops, soil and fertilisers

Applicable to all major farming systems and enterprises

  • The model is designed to represent all major crops and understand the characteristics of soil and fertiliser.

  • Applicable to both conventional and organic farming systems.

River between crop fields. Meet NVZ requirements with Sandy.

Tool supports farmer decision making

  • Integrates soil, crop, fertiliser, water dynamics, organic matter, and weather modules into one management information tool.

  • Displays the impact of previous crops and management practices on nitrate leaching, crop nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) and soil organic matter.

  • Assesses the financial impact of the previous practices.

  • Ensures you meet the compliance requirements of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones NVZ at all times.

Tractor by river and soil report; assess impact of new farm practices on water quality with Sandy

Provide tailored solutions to protect water and get a better return on investment of nitrogen inputs

  • Allows farmers to perform scenario analysis and assess the impact of new practices.

  • Encourages farmers to consider the long-term impact on soil processes due to crop rotation and fertiliser applications.

Manage your farm’s water protection with Sandy