Case studies
Meet the Sandy community

Farmers, landowners and tenants looking to reliably measure and optimise the potential of their farm’s natural capital choose Sandy.

Sandy is the only smart natural capital navigator that is completely independent, new generation, and created for farms and enterprises of all types and size.

Meet the farmers who trust Sandy.

Man in tractor

Tim Parton - Brewood Park Farm

“I’ve always had a passion for soil health, and I always use science to make informed decisions, which is one reason why I chose Sandy”.

Michael Kavannagh

Michael Kavanagh - Green Farm Collective

“The sector is in pioneering times and there’s going to be a lot of change in the next five years. It was important to find a navigator we could rely on and trust”.

Craig Livingstone

Craig Livingstone - Lockerley Estate

“The rigour in the way Trinity AgTech were asking questions gave me confidence that they understand what we’re trying to achieve at Lockerley”.

Find out how Sandy can help you take control of your natural capital