Harmonisation of Carbon Accounting Tools for Agriculture - a report by Defra

Defra’s new report “Harmonisation of Carbon Accounting Tools for Agriculture” is now available. Learn how Trinity’s new category natural capital navigator, Sandy, is leading the field to achieve an all-win transition for sustainable agriculture.

Sandy delivers for an all-win transition for the food and farming supply chain.

The launch of the UK Government’s new report by Defra on ‘Harmonisation of Carbon Accounting Tools for Agriculture’, has provided much called for clarity to help accelerate agriculture’s journey towards net-zero.

Table depicting Trinity's mission and brand values against backdrop of young trees

New Defra report is a milestone for carbon accounting and sustainability in UK agriculture

The report's conclusions, after a year-long study, underline the critical need for robust, accurate, and comprehensive carbon reporting tools in the agricultural sector.

The recommendation to adopt tools that present reliable data, in line with ISO standards 14064:2 and 14067 and the draft GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals guidance, which are supportive of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), has been met positively by Trinity, whose next generation platform, Sandy, stands out as uniquely delivering on all the required standards and reporting needs for all stakeholders across the food and farming supply chain.

Trinity’s conclusions to the report

Review of conclusions and recommendations from Defra’s report on ‘Harmonisation of Carbon Accounting Tools for Agriculture’

Trinity’s MD of Science, Professor Jon Hillier, MD of Sustainability, Dr Alasdair Sykes, and MD of Knowledge & Collaboration, Dr Emily Pope, provide an objective review of the findings of Defra’s report and comment on the conclusions and recommendations therein.

The discussion is framed around the main conclusions and recommendations of the report, and aims to present both an objective review of the main findings of the report, and an interpretation of these findings with reference to the approach uniquely taken by Trinity in developing the Sandy tool.

Click the link below to download the review of the findings.

Separating itself from the legacy tools, Sandy is much more than a calculator, it’s a natural capital navigation system which produces results you can trust. Sandy meets all standards, and the needs of all stakeholders delivering outcomes which benefit all.

Jake Freestone - Farm Manager, Overbury Enterprises
and Co-Founder of The Green Farm Collective

Want to see how Sandy can work for you and your business?